we offer
At Freeburg Care Center, we prioritize the nutritional needs of our residents. Our skilled dietary team creates well-balanced meal plans that accommodate specific dietary requirements and preferences. We emphasize delicious and nutritious meals, promoting overall health and well-being.
The Dietary Department, under the direction of a Registered Dietitian and a Certified Food Service Supervisor, creates and prepares delicious home cooked meals. Therapeutic needs and special diets are monitored and given special attention by dietary staff.
Round-the-clock medical care and personalized attention jkhjkensure the well-being of our residents.
Tailored therapy programs promote strength, mobility, and independence for residents on their journey to recovery.
Our dedicated team provides guidance and support to residents and families, helping navigate healthcare options and community resources.
We prioritize the nutritional needs of our residents, offering well-balanced meals and individualized dietary counseling for optimal health.